INDATEL Serves as Critical Component to Peninsula Fiber Network’s Success
Overland Park, KS – August 19, 2021 – There are many benefits that come with being a part of the INDATEL membership, two of which are the opportunity to connect with other companies and the ability to spread your reach. Peninsula Fiber Network (PFN) can attest.
PFN provides ultra-reliable telecommunications, transport, and broadband services throughout the Upper Peninsula, Northern Lower Michigan, and Northern Wisconsin. They offer a full range of Ethernet Private Line, high volume core broadband (IP Transit), and TDM transport and voice services. Their high-density optical transport network extends throughout their entire service area and across the International Bridge into Canada. Also, in conjunction with INDATEL, they provide network access points across much of the U.S.
PFN has been a member of INDATEL for many years and has always found the relationship valuable. According to Scott Randall, General Manager at PFN, it’s challenging as a telecommunications company – and in general – to thrive as an island. “INDATEL is an excellent tool to allow companies to expand their reach,” Scott said.
For PFN, the most significant differentiator of INDATEL is that they allow for several entities to act as one. In their case, they deliver services to their customers far beyond the current boundaries of their network. “There are many companies that have multiple locations and span multiple states,” Scott said. “The leads that INDATEL can share with us are invaluable.”
PFN has some exciting goals for the remainder of the year and going into 2022. According to Scott, they feel that INDATEL is going to be a significant element of that. PFN wants to continue to expand its reach as customers continue to ask them if they can provide services outside of their network. By utilizing their relationship with INDATEL and the other INDATEL members, PFN is confident they will accomplish that goal.
“As we work together more and more, we continue to enjoy the benefits of being an INDATEL member,” Scott said. “It’s an absolutely critical relationship for us, and we’re delighted to be a part of the INDATEL family.”
INDATEL Services provides fiber connectivity utilizing its unique independent member-owned network. INDATEL’s members represent more than 400,000 fiber optic route miles and over 1.5 million serviceable buildings primarily focused in rural and suburban America. INDATEL serves its customers through its national aggregation PoPs, reaching over 700 independent providers currently operating in 47 states. For more information about INDATEL Services, visit www.indatel.com.
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