INDATEL Continues to Strengthen Relationship with Founding Member, Aureon
INDATEL Continues to Strengthen Relationship with Founding Member, Aureon
Overland Park, KS – March 11, 2021 – INDATEL is passionate about moving businesses forward and is proud to provide the resources our members need for them to do so. Aureon is a founding member of INDATEL and continues to benefit from the relationship years later.
Aureon is a business solutions provider who connects possibilities to productivity by providing unique and scalable business support services for organizations – small and large. The Aureon Fiber Optic Network is a part of 4,460+ miles of Iowa-owned, carrier-grade, redundant, self-healing, and symmetrical network.
Their fiber-optic network offers speed and scalability and delivers unmatched reliability with multiple access points across the state. Every new mile of fiber they install is engineered and continuously monitored to deliver industry-leading reliability and performance.
According to Scott Behn, President & CEO at Aureon, they choose to be a member of INDATEL because it allows them to connect rural Iowans with technology and connect the rest of the United States with Iowa. “Iowa communities not only survive but thrive with this type of partnership,” he said.
The team at Aureon believes that INDATEL sets itself apart in the industry due to its 400,000 fiber routes deployed across the United States. “We can get to virtually any place in the country by using INDATEL as our partner,” Scott said. “Whether it’s a big metro area or a small rural location, INDATEL is our partner to help us get there.”
Aureon experienced quite a bit of change due to the COVID-19 pandemic, however, they’ve been able to stay in front of it. “Just before the pandemic entered the United States, Aureon had announced our doubling of bandwidth to our members within the state of Iowa,” Scott said. “Many of our members took advantage of that and have purchased more bandwidth as so many rural Americans have been sent home to work.”
Aureon is looking forward to the future, as their goals have morphed into providing an excellent network, a repeatable and remarkable buying experience, and world-class customer support. “We are focused on providing reliability, adaptability, speed, and a world-class customer experience because that is what our customers need to be able to compete in rural America,” Scott said.
The team at Aureon is also looking forward to continuing their relationship with INDATEL for many years to come. “As Aureon continues to look at our growth within the state and other states around us, INDATEL is a natural selection process to partner with. They’ve been able to open doors and communications for us,” Scott said. “If you’re going to be the best, you have to partner with the best.”
INDATEL Services provides fiber connectivity utilizing its unique independent member-owned network. INDATEL’s members represent more than 400,000 fiber-optic route miles and over 1.5 million serviceable buildings primarily focused on rural and suburban America. INDATEL serves its customers through its national aggregation PoPs, reaching over 700 independent providers currently operating in 47 states. For more information about INDATEL Services, visit www.indatel.com.
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