Network Map
Miles of Fiber
Serviceable Buildings
Rural Exchange Carriers
Nationwide PoPs
Delivering reliable bandwidth solutionsto rural and underserved markets.
Our Services
Exclusive Member Services
INDATEL has aligned with the best-in-class IP Transit providers to bring high-quality service at affordable prices to carriers.
Dedicated Internet Access
INDATEL’s secure, flexible, fully-managed dedicated internet access can handle the most intensive demands. INDATEL provides the connections our members need to transform the way they do business, helping them to deliver fiber-optic service that is both reliable and scalable.
INDATEL WAVE services are an exceptional choice for transmitting large amounts of time-sensitive data. Our WAVE services use dense wavelength division multiplexing
INDATEL offers carrier customers the opportunity to extend their reach into rural America. INDATEL is committed to helping our clients grow, leveraging our robust rural fiber-optic network. INDATEL should be your first choice for fast, scalable, and reliable Ethernet services in rural America.
Where in the World is INDATEL?
Our 35+ members excel in delivering reliable connectivity via fiber-optic network routes throughout rural and metro communities across America. INDATEL is the largest national rural fiber network in the United States.

Where in the World is INDATEL?
Our 35+ members excel in delivering reliable connectivity via fiber-optic network routes throughout rural and metro communities across America. INDATEL is the largest national rural fiber network in the United States.