SEGRA Views INDATEL as an Integral Part of Their Market Strategy
Overland Park, KS – September 16, 2021 – Like many of our members, SEGRA chose to join INDATEL to assist them as another sales channel in the marketplace. According to their team, they view INDATEL and our team as a part of their go-to-market strategy.
As one of the largest independent fiber network companies in the Eastern US, SEGRA has a broad and dense service footprint across the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast. They’re known for their future-forward infrastructure and state-of-the-art voice and data technology solutions for businesses of all sizes and wholesale transport services to some of the world’s largest carriers. Their network features the latest advances in SONET, IP, Ethernet, and dark fiber architectures, as well as high-performance data centers throughout the Mid-Atlantic and Southeast regions.
According to Martie Willaby, Vice President of Carrier Sales at SEGRA, INDATEL offers a unique set of services and a nationwide network that is made up of connectivity to a lot of small towns and rural footprints that they at SEGRA have a lot of. “INDATEL is a sales channel for us that is a niche market. They service the hard-to-reach solutions that our customers don’t reach out to us about, or that we’re not positioned as well to service those needs,” he said.
While SEGRA is a relatively large regional carrier, they do not have the connectivity to the Midwest and some other locations. However, as an INDATEL member, they have access to complete connectivity for those hard-to-solve issues their customers may be experiencing. “In my opinion, what INDATEL does that sets them apart in the industry is having a national focus but with a rural flavor,” Martie said. “Being a part of their organization puts us on the map and allows us to serve areas we couldn’t serve otherwise.”
SEGRA’s goals are typically centered around servicing their customer base; however, they also have significant sales and growth models that they are trying to achieve. With the help of INDATEL, they are ahead of pace and on track to set a new pace for 2022 that will far exceed 2021. “We’re very excited about the opportunities and closed orders that INDATEL has brought to SEGRA over the last year,” Martie said. “I see INDATEL continuing to help us achieve our goals and ultimately helping us better serve and solve the needs of our mutual customers.”
INDATEL Services provides fiber connectivity utilizing its unique independent member-owned network. INDATEL’s members represent more than 400,000 fiber-optic route miles and over 1.5 million serviceable buildings primarily focused in rural and suburban America. INDATEL serves its customers through its national aggregation PoPs, reaching over 700 independent providers currently operating in 47 states. For more information about INDATEL Services, visit www.indatel.com.
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